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The New Moon In Virgo On September 6 Brings Ridiculously Good Vibes

The New Moon In Virgo On September 6 Brings Ridiculously Good Vibes

One of the most magical new moons of the year, the New Moon in Virgo, arrives on September 6! This glorious new moon will be supported by Uranus and help us align with our goals, strategize plans supported by the universe and embrace change. It’s time to celebrate, babe!

Every 28 days, we start a brand new lunar cycle kicked off by a new moon. Initiating changes, starting new projects, going on first dates and beginning new habits are all activities favored by the monthly new moon, so now’s the time to make moves. One reason for this lies in the practices of ancient farmers—back in the day, it was common practice to plant all your seeds during the new moon because this is when the sky was at its darkest. Planting under a new moon ensured that your crops had enough time to safely sprout without the critters and creatures finding them as easily as they would under a full moon, when the night sky is at its brightest.

Going with the thought process, ‘As above, so below,’ ancient astrologers believed the same notion could be applied when it came to metaphorical seeds. Planting seeds of intention and starting or initiating anything new under a new moon would protect it from disturbances of any energetic critters or creatures, so to speak. 


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