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What are the basic signs of having depression?


1. Irregular changes in our schedules. I would say that my life revolves around my schedule. I understand changes from external sources (such as the schools/employers/etc changing the schedules, I was suddenly deployed on morning tasks, etc), but too many changes in the schedule patterns can be the early signs of depression.

2. Abnormal changes in lifestyles. Eating is one of the lifestyle parts that people with depression often have. I remembered the first time my ex blocked me. I felt so devastated at that time that I almost have no ddesireto eat anything.

3. The person becomes more withdrawn. From what I’ve observed, even the most introverted people would have some funny and goofy moments in their lives. Not with depressive people, though – they will become more withdrawn and prone to take things personally than ever. They may shed tears wherever they are.

4. Going to the “instant solution mode”. This part is where we can’t reason with people who are currently battling their depression. After all, people with depression tend to “just go” for whatever is in front of them. Who cares if there are consequences?

5. Suicidal thoughts. It doesn’t matter if the thoughts appeared once, twice, or every time. People with depression are almost always thinking about ways to kill themselves. At some points, they even commit suicide.

Now, I will give you tips when you want to “befriend” people who are dealing with depression:

1. Accompany them in silence. This thing can begin with the saying “If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all,” Sometimes, silent accompaniment is the only thing that people with depression need.

2. Ask them first about whatever you will do. Are you trying to refer mental health professionals to them? Do you wish to spend time with them in shopping malls so they can forget their depression? Not so fast – ask them first!

3. Be their “sounding board”. Even though depression is a state of mental health, many people are still underestimating people with depression. Don’t let your new friends suffer alone. If there are people who condemn them for their depression, it’s time for you to (at least) silence them!

4. Have some physical contact with them. Remember that physical contacts here are not equal to sexual contact. Some examples: Hugging from behind when they’re about to commit suicide, offering comforting hugs, and more.

Another tip that you can try after getting his/her approval (see tip point #2) is to recommend some books in your book list! For instance, you can offer to read him/her stories about humans, werewolves, Lycans, and more.

I would recommend books about rebellions by she-wolves. Females are always regarded as lower classes in the patriarchal systems, and she-wolves are no exception. Forced marriage, jealous stepsisters, punishments from the husband for not obeying him, and more, are things that she-wolves experience in these books.

I feel no longer lonely when I read these books. After all, werewolves understand what human beings are experiencing, because they, too, have “been there and done that”.

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