Speak to Win: How to Present with Power in Any Situation PDF Download


Your ability to speak to an audience is essential to your success. Speaking well can garner the respect and esteem of
others, make you more valuable to your company, and get attention from people who can help you and open doors for you. Good
speaking ability will also convince people that you are generally
more talented and intelligent than others who do not speak as
What is your most valuable asset? Your mind. One of the most
precious skills you have is your ability to think well and to express
yourself clearly. This skill can help you earn more and get pro1

2 Speak to Win
moted faster as much as any other talent you can develop. After
all, the only way you can demonstrate your mastery of a subject is
by expressing your thoughts and ideas clearly aloud and in writing. When you speak well, people say, ‘‘He really knows what he’s
talking about.’’
The good news is that your mind is like a muscle. It grows
stronger and more capable with use. Organizing your thoughts
and words in advance makes you more alert and aware of what
you are saying and how you are saying it. The act of planning,
preparing, and delivering talks and presentations forces you to use
your mind at a higher level, and it actually makes you smarter.
Eliminate Your Fear and Turbocharge Your Career
Some years ago, I gave a one-day seminar on executive effectiveness to a group of businesspeople. During the talk I emphasized
the importance of being able to speak well and influence people
in business.
At the end of the day, a somewhat shy businessman came up
to me and told me that, as a result of my comments, he had decided that he was going to learn how to be a good speaker. He
was tired of being ignored by his supervisors and passed over for
A year later, I received a letter from him telling me his story.
He had immediately taken action on his resolution. He joined a
local chapter of Toastmasters and began attending weekly meetings. At each meeting, each member was required to stand up and
speak on some subject, and each person was given a grade at the
end of the meeting.
Toastmasters uses the process of ‘‘systematic desensitization.’’

Introduction: Speaking to Win 3
This means that if you do something over and over, you finally
become desensitized to it. When you speak repeatedly in front of
others, you eventually lose your fears and misgivings.
He also took a Dale Carnegie course for 14 weeks. At each session, he was required to speak in front of his peers. Within six
months, he had given so many long and short presentations to
friendly groups of peers that most of his fear and anxiety about
speaking was gone. In its place was a growing confidence in his
ability to express himself to an audience.
Doors Open for You
At about this point in his growth and development, there was a
small emergency at his engineering firm. One of the partners had
been scheduled to give a presentation to the members of a client
company. But the partner was ill and unable to make the meeting.
The businessman’s boss asked him if he would prepare and present the company’s proposal instead. He accepted the assignment.
He prepared thoroughly throughout the evening and the following morning. He then went to the client’s office, made an excellent presentation for the firm’s services, and got the business.
When he returned to the office, his boss told him that the president of the prospective client had called and thanked him for
sending someone to give such an excellent presentation of the
firm’s services.
Within a few weeks, he was being sent out regularly to call
on the firm’s prospects and clients. He was promoted, and then
promoted again. Soon he was a member of senior management
and on his way to becoming a partner. He told me that his whole
life changed by making a decision to become a good speaker and
following up that decision with specific actions.

4 Speak to Win
Increase Your Self-Esteem
Becoming an excellent public speaker will help you in every part
of your career. But there is an even more important reason to
learn to speak well to an audience. Psychologists tell us that your
level of self-esteem, or ‘‘how much you like yourself,’’ largely determines the quality of your inner and outer life.
The better and more persuasively you speak, the more you like
yourself. The more you like yourself, the more optimistic and confident you are. The more you like yourself, the more positive and
personable you are in your relationships with others. The more
you like yourself, the healthier, happier, and more positive you
become in everything you do.
Improve Your Self-Image
When you learn to speak effectively, your self-image improves as
well. Your self-image is your ‘‘inner mirror.’’ It’s the way you see
yourself and think about yourself prior to and during any event.
The more positive your self-image, the more competent your performance. The very act of visualizing yourself performing at your
best prior to any event or activity will improve your performance.
We are all highly sensitive to the thoughts, feelings, and especially the respect of others. Somerset Maugham wrote, ‘‘Everything we do in life is to earn the respect of others, or at the very
least, not to lose their respect.’’ So when you speak well, your audience likes and respects you more. As a result, you like and respect yourself more as well. When you get positive feedback from
others as the result of speaking well, your self-image improves.
You see yourself and think about yourself in a more positive way.
You develop a sense of personal power. You walk, talk, and act
with greater confidence.

Introduction: Speaking to Win 5
Excellent Speaking Is Learnable
Perhaps the best news about speaking to groups is that it is a
learnable skill. Most people who are competent speakers today at
one time could not lead silent prayer in a phone booth. Many people who appear confident and articulate in front of an audience
were at one time terrified at the idea of standing up and speaking
in public.
Your goal should be to be in the top 10 percent of communicators. And you should continually remind yourself that almost
everyone who is in the top 10 percent today started in the bottom
10 percent. Everyone who is doing well was once doing poorly. As
Harv Eker says, ‘‘Every master was once a disaster.’’
You have probably heard it said that practice makes perfect.
Some people go even further and say that perfect practice makes
perfect. However, the truth is that imperfect practice makes perfect.
On your journey to mastering the art of speaking to an audience, you will make many small and large mistakes. You will often
feel nervous and inadequate. You will say the wrong things and
forget to say the right things. You will mumble and stumble and
wonder if you will ever get it right.
Move out of Your Comfort Zone
But in order to achieve excellence in speaking or in any field, you
must be willing to move out of your comfort zone and into your
discomfort zone. You must be willing to feel clumsy and awkward
during your growth and development if you are ever going to
move to a higher level of competence.
You may remember the story of the famous Greek orator, De-

6 Speak to Win
mosthenes, considered one of the finest speakers of antiquity.
When he began, he was nervous, shy, and troubled by both a stutter and a speech impediment. But he was determined to be a good
speaker. To overcome his difficulties, he put pebbles in his mouth
and spoke loudly to the sea for hours every day. In time, he eliminated his stutter and overcame his speech impediment. His voice
grew louder, stronger, and more confident. He became one of the
greatest orators in history.
If you are a beginning speaker, this book will show you how to
accelerate the process of speaking with competence, confidence,
and clarity. If you are a more experienced speaker, this book will
give you some of the most powerful techniques, tactics, and methods of great speakers in every area of business, politics, and personal life


How and Why to Develop the Habit of Reading Every Day?


An expression of love and happiness.



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Download the latest Windows 11 ISO on your device

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Windows 11 is the latest version of Microsoft's operating system. Although it was initially planned as an aesthetic and functional improvement over Windows 10, Microsoft decided to launch it as a new version in October 2021.

Windows 11 removes some features from Windows 11 while adding and improving others. The taskbar has a more minimalist design with centered icons. The start menu was simplified to show the most used apps and new installations. The search is faster, and you have a new Widgets section to view news, weather, and the stock market.

In terms of functionality, Windows 11 includes many interesting new features, such as the ability to run Android applications natively. The operating system windows can be reset more quickly thanks to Snap Layout.

The operating system also has a more modern design based on Fluent Design. Windows and apps feature simple gradient backgrounds, as well as rounded corners. Many system apps, such as Notepad, Alarms, Clock, and Windows Media Player are completely redesigned.

In terms of security, there's now Sandbox. With it, you can run programs in an isolated environment to avoid introducing malware to your whole computer. And, as you would expect, this new version of Windows comes with newer, more modern, and simpler sounds, which are less intrusive and annoying.

So if you want to download the latest available version of Windows 11, you can download the Windows 11 ISO.
Reviewed by Alberto GarcĂ­aTranslated by Uptodown Localization Team

Frequent questions

When will Windows 11 be released?

Windows 11 was announced on June, 2021 and released globally on October 5, 2021.

What are Windows 11 minimum requirements?

Windows 11 has increased its minimum requirements, when compared to Windows 10. To officially install it, your device should have: - TPM 2.0 - 1 GHz with at least 2 cores on a compatible 64-bit processor - 4 GB RAM - 64 GB storage - UEFI-compatible motherboard, Secure Boot capable - Graphics card compatible with DirectX 12 or later with WDDM 2.0 driver - 720p display of at least 9” and 8 bits per color channel - If Windows 11 Home installation, Internet connection

Can Windows 11 be installed without meeting the minimum requirements?

Yes. If the TPM, RAM or Secure Boot requirements are not met, you can create a Windows Registry exception before the installation. To do that, download the ISO file and start the installation. Then, you'll get a warning that the PC cannot run Windows. Press Windows + R, write 'regedit', and go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\Setup to create three new keys: BypassTPMCheck, BypassRAMCheck and BypassSecureBootCheck. All of them should show the value as "1". Now you can install the software.

Is Windows 11 free?

You can install Windows 11 on your PC for free and even run it without a license. However, please note some customization features will be limited.


Op. SystemWindows
CategoryOperating System
DateSep 21st, 2022
Content RatingAll ages
Why is this app published on Uptodown?(More information)


ISO21H2 (Build 22000)



What are the best habits in the night?

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  1. Brushing your teeth and practicing night skincare routine if you have one.
  2. Wishing good night to every family member and giving them a hug before bed.
  3. Preparing a to-do list for the next day in advance.
  4. Setting an alarm and keeping it far away from your reach to make sure that you wake up on time in the morning.
  5. Practicing meditation or 15 minutes yoga for relaxation.
  6. Positive Affirmations.
  7. Writing in your journal about your day or emotions that is troubling you.
  8. Drinking 1 glass of water before bed.
  9. Walking for 10–15 minutes after having a proper healthy dinner.
  10. Reading a book as you fall asleep.

What are the basic signs of having depression?


1. Irregular changes in our schedules. I would say that my life revolves around my schedule. I understand changes from external sources (such as the schools/employers/etc changing the schedules, I was suddenly deployed on morning tasks, etc), but too many changes in the schedule patterns can be the early signs of depression.

2. Abnormal changes in lifestyles. Eating is one of the lifestyle parts that people with depression often have. I remembered the first time my ex blocked me. I felt so devastated at that time that I almost have no ddesireto eat anything.

3. The person becomes more withdrawn. From what I’ve observed, even the most introverted people would have some funny and goofy moments in their lives. Not with depressive people, though – they will become more withdrawn and prone to take things personally than ever. They may shed tears wherever they are.

4. Going to the “instant solution mode”. This part is where we can’t reason with people who are currently battling their depression. After all, people with depression tend to “just go” for whatever is in front of them. Who cares if there are consequences?

5. Suicidal thoughts. It doesn’t matter if the thoughts appeared once, twice, or every time. People with depression are almost always thinking about ways to kill themselves. At some points, they even commit suicide.

Now, I will give you tips when you want to “befriend” people who are dealing with depression:

1. Accompany them in silence. This thing can begin with the saying “If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all,” Sometimes, silent accompaniment is the only thing that people with depression need.

2. Ask them first about whatever you will do. Are you trying to refer mental health professionals to them? Do you wish to spend time with them in shopping malls so they can forget their depression? Not so fast – ask them first!

3. Be their “sounding board”. Even though depression is a state of mental health, many people are still underestimating people with depression. Don’t let your new friends suffer alone. If there are people who condemn them for their depression, it’s time for you to (at least) silence them!

4. Have some physical contact with them. Remember that physical contacts here are not equal to sexual contact. Some examples: Hugging from behind when they’re about to commit suicide, offering comforting hugs, and more.

Another tip that you can try after getting his/her approval (see tip point #2) is to recommend some books in your book list! For instance, you can offer to read him/her stories about humans, werewolves, Lycans, and more.

I would recommend books about rebellions by she-wolves. Females are always regarded as lower classes in the patriarchal systems, and she-wolves are no exception. Forced marriage, jealous stepsisters, punishments from the husband for not obeying him, and more, are things that she-wolves experience in these books.

I feel no longer lonely when I read these books. After all, werewolves understand what human beings are experiencing, because they, too, have “been there and done that”.


Do you sometimes feel like you will always be alone?


I'm 32 years old, and I don't think that far ahead about these things.

I've always lived and enjoyed the present moment.

I had long relationships, some were beautiful, and some were lessons.

I've been single for a while and I don't have a problem with that, I don't want to be in a relationship at all costs. That doesn't mean I'm bitter about the whole world and the male gender, because I've had plenty of time to look at myself and my mistakes and learn from them. So next time I don't pass on my insecurities to someone who's a good person and wants to be with me.

It's about accepting the love I'm getting because I know I deserve it.

I'm not desperate to have someone around, I don't think that's even healthy.

But I'm not going to put walls around me if there's some soul recognition, because I'm not afraid anymore. We all deserve to give love and be loved.

I'm not afraid of being alone forever, because I know I'm going to be okay anyway.


Was the ancient Roman empress portrayed as a brutal killer, a devil, in reality?


Was the ancient Roman empress portrayed as a brutal killer, a devil, in reality?

Livia Drusilla, the first empress of Rome, has long been portrayed as a brutal murderer, villain, and demon. But in a new TV drama released some time ago, director Daisy Dunn is trying to separate the truth from the fiction about him for the first time. 'Livia: as a mother a disgrace to the nation, as a stepmother a disgrace to the house of Caesar.' Tacitus said this about Livia Drusilla, the first queen of Rome.

Ancient historians report that Livia controlled her husband, Emperor Augustus, and exiled or killed every potential heir to the throne in order to succeed her son, Augustus' stepson Tiberius. was When the emperor finally died in 14 AD, his wife and empress were also accused of killing him.


GOM Player Best for Playing 4K, UHD, and 360-degree videos


GOM Player

Best for Playing 4K, UHD, and 360-degree videos.

GOM Player

GOM Player earns its rightful place on this list because of a number of fundamental reasons, and the most salient of which is its ability to play high-resolution videos with exceptional ease.

The software was designed with the necessary specs to allow it to play 4K, Ultra High Definition and above all 360 degree videos without posing the issue of buffering.

Apart from this, the GOM player is also an intuitive media player that allows users to directly outsource subtitles from its interface itself. The software can automatically find and synch subtitles for the movie being played on the software.

Additionally, the GOM player works extremely well on Windows when compared to the other operating systems. Wherein it can help you find codecs to even play files that are damaged.


  • Play videos in multiple media formats.
  • Automatically detect and sync subtitles.
  • 360 degree VR Playback.
  • No ads for the paid version.

Verdict: GOM player is the best media player for windows 10, thanks to its ability to find codecs compatible with the operating system without a hassle. The software runs high-resolution files smoothly and is a delight to use it.

Price: Free, $15 permanent license.

Website: GOM Player


The Best HORROR Movies 2019 - Vietnam horror movies - English Subtitles



The Best HORROR Movies 2019 - Vietnam horror movies - English Subtitles

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